Ph.D., Indiana University, 1983
Content Creator
Streaming Video Producer
Dr. Gibson has long been a national expert on product recalls. With the publication of six books on serial murderers he also has become an expert source for print and broadcast media on the rhetorical and mass communication dimensions of serial killers, as well as serial murder for profit, international serial murder, premodern serial murder and the Jack the Ripper letters. More recently he has published two books on outer space, one concerning the extraterrestrial and terrestrial dangers of space travel and another on civilian space travel. His two most recent books are a biography of J. Edgar Hoover and history of the FBI based on his marginalia and a history of the 1980 riot at the Penitentiary of New Mexico.
Dr. Gibson is a prolific author living in Truth or Consequences, NM and was Professor in the Department of Communication and Journalism at the University of New Mexico.
Refereed PAPERS AT Conference Proceedings, Government
publications, Encyclopedia ENTries & Streaming video ProductionS
Dr. Gibson has published 13 books and more than100 other publications. He and his University of New Mexico students published several articles in the Conference Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Their articles included: “Communication Characteristics of Space Tourism Websites,” “Public Relations and the Development of Space Tourism,” “Space Tourism Public Relations Purposes and Practices,” “A Quantified Description of Space Tourism Public Relations Functions,” “A Communication Perspective on Space Tourism Stakeholder Relationships,” “A Quantitative Description of Space Tourism Public Relations Tactics,” “A Critical Analysis of the International Space Station as a Space Tourism Destination,” “The Paradox of Pre-Industrial Space Tourism Public Relations,” “Commercial Space Travel and Human Survival,” “Space Tourism is the Key to Commercial Space Development,” “Regulatory Obstacles to Commercial Space Tourism and the Lobbying Solutions,” “The Significance of Space Hotels in the Development of Commercial Space Tourism,” “The Capital Investment Impediment to Commercial Space Tourism & Investor Relations Solutions,” “Adequate Communication and Informed Consent: The Duty to Warn, Judicial Warning Adequacy Standards, and the Federal Aviation Administration’s Proposed,’ Human Space Flight Requirements for Crew and Spaceflight Participants.”
His public service to the Federal Government included these publications: “Prepared Statement on the Communication Variables Affecting Product Recall Effectiveness.” Consumer Product Safety Commission Forum on Improving Product Recall Outcomes. Washington DC, 1999;
“A Comment on the Duty to Warn & the Importance of Implied Consent.” Federal Register. Docket Title “Human Spaceflight Requirements for Crew and Space Flight Participants.” Document FAA-2005-23449-32. RIN # 2120-A157. Data Entry date, December 21, 2005. Filing date, February 27, 2006;
A Review of Recall Practices at the Food Safety Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. June 2000. Volume One: “Bibliographic Perspectives on Recall Practices.” Volume Two, “Empirical Analysis of Contemporary Recall Practices;”
Evaluation Report: FSIS Recall Notifications and Industry Guidance. Evaluation and Analysis Division, OPPDE, September, 1990. http:/www.fsis,
He served as Contributing Editor and on the Editorial Review Board for the Sage Encyclopedia on Business Ethics & Society (2004; 2015). He contributed entries on Activist Community Organizations for Reform Now, Automobile Recall Scandals, Casino Capitalism, Censorship, Coalition-Building, Consumer and Personal Debt, Corporatism, Downsizing, Economic Integration, Egalitarianism, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Hostile Work Environment, Managed Competition, Martha Stewart, Millennial Generation, Moral Partiality, National Security Agency, Pandemics, Perverse Incentives, Product Recalls, Smart Devices, Social Media Analysis, Stakeholder Symbiosis, Takata Airbag Scandal, Too Big to Fail, Valant Pharmaceuticals Scandal, Volkswagen Defeat Device Scandal, and Workplace Bullying.
He was the Researcher and Producer of “Sisterhood of Evil: Female Serial Killers,” and the Researcher for “Becoming Evil: Serial Killers,” both produced for Netflix. He is the Researcher and Associate Producer of a video series on premodern and contemporary unsolved serial murders, “Becoming Evil: Unsolved Serial Murders,” set for release on Netflix in April of 2023.